163% Revenue Surge: Home Improvement Brand’s Strategic Launch

Project Overview

The Techload orchestrated a remarkable turnaround for a struggling home improvement brand through a savvy, inventive, and pragmatic variation launch approach. By honing in on sought-after product variations, the brand achieved an impressive 163% surge in revenue

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Challenges Faced

The home improvement brand grappled with several obstacles:

  1. Poor Sales Performance: Despite offering quality products, fierce market competition meant the brand struggled to keep up. Lower-priced alternatives from rival brands led to declining sales, impacting revenue and growth.

  2. Blending In, Not Standing Out: In a crowded marketplace, differentiation was elusive. The brand found it hard to capture attention and drive traffic to its Amazon store, affecting overall sales.

  3. Costly Customer Acquisition: Despite hefty investments in advertising and marketing, low conversion rates persisted. The brand faced a high cost per acquisition, impacting profitability

Plan of Action

Plan of Action: Reviving the Ceiling Light Brand

  1. Variation Identification and Launch:

    • The Techload pinpointed four high-demand variations for their ceiling lights.
    • These variations were consolidated under a single parent ASIN, simplifying the product listing and expanding customer choices.
  2. Merging New Variations:

    • The Techload seamlessly integrated the new product variations with the existing, underperforming ceiling light listing.
    • The goal: enhance visibility for the fresh offerings.
  3. Aggressive PPC Campaigns:

    • Capitalizing on the “honeymoon period,” The Techload launched robust PPC campaigns for the new variations.
    • The aim: boost visibility and drive sales.
  4. Amazon Merging Policy Compliance:

    • To align with Amazon’s merging policies, The Techload meticulously analyzed category flat files.
    • Result: Correct merging of the new product variations with the existing listing.

Results We Brought

  1. Revenue Surge: The brand’s revenue skyrocketed by 163% thanks to heightened visibility and customer interest in the newly introduced product variations.

  2. Cost Efficiency: The Cost per Acquisition (CPA) dropped by 25%, driven by increased conversions from the fresh variations.

  3. Best Seller Status: Increased traffic to the listing earned the brand the coveted “best seller” badge, boosting overall conversion rates.

  4. Smart Upselling: Leveraging multiple variations allowed for better profits, even if one variation alone didn’t yield substantial gains.

  5. Laser-Targeted Keywords: The right product variation now surfaces for specific search queries, enhancing keyword targeting and search relevance.

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